This is the story of a girl, earthbound by her fear of flying, but driven by wanderlust to overcome and one day set foot on the cobbled streets of Paris.
K, you can quit with the accent. I'm going to Paris next month and I'm super stoked about it. And, rather than burn up Facebook with daily photos and anecdotes, I came up with this... my Ooh La Blog. Those of you who are interested to see me live my dream can do so right here.
Le details: July 7-18, I'll be living it up French style. Only with more showers and less smuggery.
Le Travel Companions:
Mademoiselle Mellissa et Madame Deanna
What I'll be drinking:
Where I'll be eating:
Check back in the days leading up. I'll be posting things I'm all giddy about seeing and venting about any old anxieties that may creep up. I just may need your advice, so come visit me.
Au revoir!
YAY! I am sooo happy for you and your new blog! Congrats all around my dear xo christine