Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Awwwwww, ma famille, mes amis...

As much as I want to be daydreaming about Paris until my voyage, work has been taking up the majority of my brain space as of late. And, then, this afternoon... an unexpected and lovely reminder of my upcoming adventure courtesy of my lovelies... my family and my friends.

Here's a snap of my bouquet of goodies:

Auntie Arleen sent along what her and my mom would call some "walking' around money," which, at least twice since I opened the envelope I've had to remind myself contains actual, spendable cash (it's so sparkly and pretty!), an "important docs" holder for... well, my important docs, some tres chic jewelry so I'll be properly accessorized, plug thingies, and, perhaps most valuable... some sound travel advice. Then, last week, the ravishing Madame Davis and the adorable Garcon Matthias gave me an Eiffel Tower luggage tag and some perfumed soaps, "Auntie Manda, you put them in your luggage so it smells good on your trip." Also, notice the handmade "Bon Voyage" card? Perhaps the young Matthias is a budding Monet.

And, then, a card from Sisty that reads:

"Sweet Baby Sis - There's no place like home... but Paris has got to be a close 2nd! Thought you could use your very own pair of "ruby slippers" to guide you safely along the way. These are special ruby slippers because they are practical, sensible & comfortable. They are what Dorothy would have worn had she been a lesbian."


These, ladies and gents, are sparkly red Crocs. My sister is a GENIUS. And for those of you who aren't aware... rudy slippers are ever our homage to our mama. So, thanks sisty, for making sure mom will be with me every step of the way!

Another reason why Sisser is my hilarious and spectacular treasure? Here is how she signed the card:

"...always know that we will be waiting at the "end of the rainbow" to hear of your adventures.

Oui amor you mucho,
A B C & D"

I am one lucky girl...