Thursday, July 7, 2011

Au revoir America!

T minus... um, like SEVEN HOURS... WHOA.  Today was dumb crazy so it wasn't until I got out of the car at about 9:30pm and headed into the bar for a little pre-Paree night cap that I got officially excited.  Officially excited... like the ambassador of excited came down and stamped my forehead.  Eff you guys... let me get this out of the way for you all... must've been one big stamp!  Everyone's a comedian.

Anyhoodyha (as me sis would say),  I'm about to power down for, what I'm hoping, is the perfect amount of rest that will keep me from wanting to puke when I wake up at 5am, but will still allow me to fall asleep between the hours of, uh, night time and morning time heading, well, you know... that-a-way,  and thought I'd leave you with this:

As you can see, Mellissa has a picture of the Eiffel Tower in her living room.  I'm not really sure why she needs to go to Paris.  But, whatever, she's teaching me French cuss words and I think she also knows how to ask where the bathroom is (more effectively than what I was going to go with... 'pardon, where-o is the shittier?') so I'm not questioning her motives.

One final thought before my slumber... PARIS!!!

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